OANNES - {1} "IN the first year came from the sea, in the place near Babylonia, a terrible creature named "She", the body he had all the fish, and from under the head, under the fish heads, has grown another head and likewise human legs growing next to a fish tail. Voice as he was human. The image and now it still persists. This being the days spent among the people, taking no food, and taught the people literacy and mathematics, and the mastery of the arts of all kinds, learn to live in the cities, to found temples, to establish laws, and the geometry taught and shown how to collect the grain and fruits, and actually taught everything that relates to cultural life. From that time nothing more has not been invented. With the sunset being this here, Oan, nirala ago in the sea and nights spent in the
abyss. Because it was an amphibian." - Baross, Babylonian history;{2} "Oannes, the Babylonian name of a mixed system of fish and humans. Except for a fish head Oannes is said to have a People, had additional a fish tail, human Feet and a human voice. Oannes is considered to be a culture bringer. He arose in the morning, the sea and the people taught cultural techniques such as writing, science, and the arts, as well as the architecture and Agriculture. Waehrend Oannes unter den Menschen weilte, nahm er keine Nahrung zu sich abends begab er sich wieder ins Meer." - Georg Friedrich Creuzer, Symbolik und Mythologie der alten Voelker, 1812.
abyss. Because it was an amphibian." - Baross, Babylonian history;{2} "Oannes, the Babylonian name of a mixed system of fish and humans. Except for a fish head Oannes is said to have a People, had additional a fish tail, human Feet and a human voice. Oannes is considered to be a culture bringer. He arose in the morning, the sea and the people taught cultural techniques such as writing, science, and the arts, as well as the architecture and Agriculture. Waehrend Oannes unter den Menschen weilte, nahm er keine Nahrung zu sich abends begab er sich wieder ins Meer." - Georg Friedrich Creuzer, Symbolik und Mythologie der alten Voelker, 1812.
On the basis of the legend of Anunnaki I tried to reconstruct the ancient coat of arms of the Sumerians It seems to me that it was supposed to be a two-headed eagle... In Wikipedia we find confirmation of this: "Presumably the origin of the eagle is connected with the civilization of ancient Sumer (4-3 Millennium BC), where the symbol had a religious significance and symbolized God." At the top of the coat of arms shows the constellation of Libra, with Sumerian cuneiform symbols stars as it looked during the time of the first mass landing of ioannov on Earth over a hundred thousand years ago. My hypothesis is that Anunnaki came from the planetary system of the red dwarf Gliese 581, located in the Scales.Three attributes at the bottom are almost always depicted by the ancient Sumerians in the frescoes with Anunnaki. My version is a navigation device ("clock"), communication devices ("bump") and a device for moving in space ("gravitsapa" pooling management). Sign I have not yet interpreted. Perhaps it was designated the landing place of the second mass anunnaku and Sumerians more than 12 thousand years ago in the Umbilical Mountain in Northern Mesopotamia, where this sign is present as the bas-relief in the temple complex "Göbekli Tepe" ( as a symbol of the round landing sites — "the navel of the Earth" or round terminal of the wormhole, i.e. "Umbilical cord")... during the reconstruction of the Sumerian eagle according to some ancient frescoes, and the figures also creates the feeling that this double-headed bird seems to have something of the fish — pronounced dorsal fin, and wings something like the fins and their heads are disproportionately large and streamlined. In addition, all attributes in the clutches of an eagle was at an earlier frescoes in the fish's "arms"...
Anunnaki or Oannes everywhere represented as fish-men brought water and took apart the fins and even limbs to move on land, and not as some reptiles. Anunnaki helped the people in cultural development... They were saving people in natural disasters... All of this is contained in the ancient texts... a Possible place former habitat anunnaku are Mars and exploded Phaethon, located between Mars and Jupiter, where now is the asteroid belt. This explains the ancient cosmological scheme of the Sumerians depicting the Sun and the 12 planets around it (instead of 11). The name "Nibiru" some would like to call the fifth planet Phaeton, which is depicted in the Sumerian tablets. The Sumerians called this planet Nibiru and Tiamat. Planet Phaeton or Tiamat was destroyed by a huge asteroid 15 million years ago... the Shards of Phaeton riddled Mars, destroyed the Martian civilization, and one of them (meteorite ALH 84001) 13 thousand years ago has reached Earth, causing a global catastrophe, led to the death of woolly rhinoceroses. Surviving Anunnaki inhabiting the Phaeton and Mars, partially landed on the Ground, and the other part settled on the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn... And the term "Nibiru" did not arise from the Sumerians and later the Akkadians, and was developed by the Babylonians. Under the planet "Nibiru" or "Marduk" as it was called Sumerians, were always meant to be Jupiter. In my novel "the navel of the Earth" Anunnaki colonized the moons of Jupiter, so it is also in ancient texts... my hypothesis was 3 mass landing of anunnaku in the Armenian highlands of the Earth (apart from minor): 15 million, 130 thousand and 12 thousand years ago. I read in Wikipedia about the three research hypotheses (Kurgan, Anatolian and Armenian) regarding the homeland (origin) of the Indo-Europeans. I most impressed by the Armenian hypothesis of the origin of Indo-Europeans in the Armenian highlands. This dovetails very nicely with my work on the Navel of the Earth12 thousand years ago the Anunnaki once again landed on the Umbilical Mountain in the Armenian highlands. This time they brought with them a whole nation of Homo sapiens sapiens, saved during the Great Flood on the Earth, and taken 74000 years ago on the planet Natron-2 in the constellation of Eridan...
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